Bad Romance – Brent

Joe Fiorello plays a paranoid schizophrenic on the run from the law and after his true love in Bad Romance. Directed by Ross Clarkson, Joe plays the role of a Brent Williams, freshly escaped from mental hospital and trying to reunite with the woman he also helped escape. Juliet, played by Jennifer Lok, is a delusional schizophrenic who believes she is living in the world of Romeo and Juliet and is searching for her “Romeo”.

Bad Romance

Can a delusional schizophrenic and a paranoid schizophrenic fall in love? After being abused as a child Juliet, who is a patient at a mental institution, finds solace in the story of Romeo and Juliet, another patient who is in love with her helps her escape.

Director: Ross Clarkson
Writer: Ross Clarkson
Produced by Ross Clarkson and Irina Hadzhieva

Brent Williams… Joe Fiorello
Juliet… Jennifer Lok

Editor: Jerry Yu
Makeup Artists: Teresa L and Pui Pui
Location Manager: Iris Ho